Troubled Landscape
Troubled Landscape
Plural Convictions
Plural Convictions
Restoration Ruin
Restoration Ruin
Something Peculiar
Something Peculiar
Elephant Hiding (Study)
Elephant Hiding (Study)
Shaped Synthesist
Shaped Synthesist
Small Tableau
Small Tableau
Elephant Hiding (Study)
Elephant Hiding (Study)
The Republic
The Republic
Alpinism Dreams
Alpinism Dreams
Red Painting
Red Painting
Plaster Hole
Plaster Hole
Troubled Landscape
Troubled LandscapeTroubled Landscape, 50 x 75.25 inches, Acrylic on Linen
Plural Convictions
Plural ConvictionsPlural Convictions, 32 x 44 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Restoration Ruin
Restoration RuinRestoration Ruin, 36 x 46 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Something Peculiar
Something PeculiarSomething Peculiar, 42.5 x 36.5 inches, Acrylic on Linen
CacophonyCacophony, 60 x 48 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
SymphasisSymphasis, 40 x 30 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Elephant Hiding (Study)
Elephant Hiding (Study)Elephant Hiding (Study), 18 x 24 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Shaped Synthesist
Shaped SynthesistShaped Synthesist, 18 x 24 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
InvocationsInvocations, 30 x 48 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Small Tableau
Small TableauSmall Tableau, 16 x 20 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Elephant Hiding (Study)
Elephant Hiding (Study)Elephant Hiding (Study), 18 x 24 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
The Republic
The RepublicThe Republic, 30 x 24 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Alpinism Dreams
Alpinism DreamsAlpinism Dreams, 12 x 16 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Red Painting
Red PaintingRed Painting, 18 x 14 inches, Velvet on Panel
Plaster Hole
Plaster HolePlaster Hole, 10 x 8.5 inches, Plaster Mounted on Panel
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